
If you play golf, and frequently experience lower back pain when you are done with your game of golf, here are three things that you can do to protect your lower back and reduce the occurrences of pain from playing golf.

#1 Use An Integrated Golf Bag

Carrying your bag can increase the amount of exercise that you get; however, you want to make sure that you get the right type of exercise. Carrying around a heavy golf bag, then having to sit it down on the ground and lean over to pick up the clubs that you need, can put additional strain on your back.

Just make sure that you have an integrated golf bag. An integrated golf bag has a stand so that your bag will sit upright and you will not have to bend over to get your clubs out. Also, make sure that your golf bag has duel straps instead of just one shoulder strap. This will distribute the weight more evenly on your back and ensure that you don’t injure one side of your back.

#2 Learn How To Create A Fluid Swing

Second, you need to learn how to make a fluid swing. You don’t want to swing too hard. Swinging too hard and with unnecessary force can harm your back and lead to degenerative discs. Make sure that your golf swing is fluid and that you are using your hips and pelvic, not just your back, to make your swing. This is what you need to do to ensure that you don’t harm your back while golfing.

#3 Stretch Before You Start To Golf

Many people associate stretching with sports such as running or playing soccer. However, it is important to stretch before you engage in any sports, including golf. Stretching before you start a game will help ensure that you don’t get injured while playing, which can easily happen if you go into your golf game with cold muscles.

Focus on stretching out your hips, torso, and shoulder before you begin your game. Put your golf club behind your head and neck and then rotate in different directions to effectively stretch out your torso. Pull your knees up to your chest to stretch out your hips. Then, bend over and try to touch your toes to stretch out your hamstrings. Next, swing one arm across your body and hold it there, then switch sides with your other arm. End by rolling your shoulders backwards and forwards.

These simple stretches will warm up your muscle and help prevent golf related back injuries.

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