

Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy in West Palm Beach Florida

Wonder why you just don’t feel like yourself anymore?

Because your body and the regulating hormones are probably not balanced and in sync. As we age, our hormones may become deficient or out of balance and cause the body’s systems to weaken or just not work right. Calcium in your bones can decrease, causing osteoporosis. Your blood pressure increases, and you must take medication to control it. You can’t seem to lose weight, no matter what diet you try.  Your sex life is suffering, and you just don’t have the energy or vitality you used to.

Benefits of BHRT?

  • Mimics your own natural hormones
  • Improves sexual experience
  • Slows down the effects of aging
  • Strengthens bones, hair, and nails. Improves skin texture and tone
  • Promotes a better night’s sleep – wake up feeling refreshed and ready to start the day
  • Decrease symptoms of peri or post-menopause.
    • Hot flashes, Night sweats, Mood swings, Lack of energy, Lack of libido, etc.

BHRT Can Help Relieve Symptoms of

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► Low Energy & Fatigue

► Insomnia

► Anxiety

► Moodiness

► Night Sweats

► Vaginal Dryness

► Hot Flashes Swings

► Brittle Nails & Dry Skin

► Hair Loss

► Brain Fog

► Inability to Lose Weight

► Aches & Pains

► Low Sex Drive

► Inability to Achieve Orgasm

► Headaches

► Increased Body Fat

► Erectile Dysfunction

► Depression

► Low Energy & Fatigue

► Insomnia

► Anxiety

► Moodiness

► Night Sweats

► Vaginal Dryness

► Low Sex Drive

► Inability to Achieve Orgasm

► Headaches

► Hot Flashes Swings

► Brittle Nails & Dry Skin

► Hair Loss

► Brain Fog

► Inability to Lose Weight

► Aches & Pains

► Increased Body Fat

► Erectile Dysfunction

► Depression

► Hot Flashes Swings

► Brittle Nails & Dry Skin

► Hair Loss

► Brain Fog

► Inability to Lose Weight

► Aches & Pains

► Increased Body Fat

► Erectile Dysfunction

► Depression

If symptoms like these have begun to affect your quality of life, you could be a candidate for bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (B-HRT)

Quick and Easy Pellet Insertion

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The insertion of pellets is a simple, painless procedure done with a local numbing agent. The pellets are inserted in the upper buttocks through a tiny incision which is closed up with a steri-strip. The entire procedure takes about 2 minutes. You can return to your everyday life immediately after the pellet is inserted.

Why Choose Pellets?

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Other hormone therapies usually require continued maintenance, this could mean taking a pill, rubbing a cream or giving yourself a shot. Pellets deliver consistent, healthy hormone levels for 3-4 months in women and 4-6 months in men. Qualgen’s pellets help you avoid the fluctuations of hormones delivered by a different method. Pellets have been shown to help with menopausal symptoms, maintenance of bone density, improvement in sex drive, losing weight, helping with sleep, and much more! Pellets are customizeable to provide the dosage needed for each individual.

The Power of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Pellets®

Hormone replacement therapy using pellet implants has existed for over 70 years. Scientists have published positive research on the benefits of this therapy in authoritative international journals for decades. Originally developed in Europe during the 1930s, Bioidentical pellet therapy has proven to be an excellent treatment for hormone deficiencies for both men and women. The highly-respected pioneer of Endocrinology, Dr. Robert B. Greenblatt, learned about this method and introduced it to his U.S. colleagues in 1939. Today, practitioners use pellet implants to restore hormonal balance in men and women of all ages. Best of all, they are natural, safe, and effective.

The pellet delivery system provides safe and effective bioidentical hormones when properly administered. In fact, it remains the only delivery system that closely mirrors what the human body and hormone glands are designed to do. This method ensures the same steady, around-the-clock, low-dosage hormone distribution your body provided when you were younger. You won’t have to change patches, rub on creams, or remember to take a pill. And you won’t have to take painful injections. Furthermore, you won’t experience radical surges and drops in blood levels as with other methods. Pellet implants can even deliver more hormones when the body requires more – like during exercise or times of stress.

1. Right Amount of Hormones

Creams, pills, and patches all deliver varying amounts of hormones and do not mimic how the body naturally delivers hormones. The pellet delivery system is the best method to get consistent hormones released in the body on a regular basis. You don’t have to worry about remembering to take a pill, give yourself an injection, a patch falling off, or a million other factors that make creams, pills, and patches an unreliable way to deliver hormones. Pellets remain the only delivery system that provides steady blood serum levels over time.

2. Simple Safe Hormone Pellet Insertion

Once inserted, a steady, low dose of natural hormone flows directly into the bloodstream whenever the body needs it.  Your body will control the amount of hormones released like it did when the ovaries and testicles were working optimally. 

3. Promotes and Preserve Bone Density

As we age, our hormone levels shift dramatically, and maintaining normal bone density becomes critical to good health. Fluctuating estrogen and testosterone levels decrease bone strength and increase the chance of fractures. Keeping your hormones balanced will help maintain bone density and slow the onset of osteoporosis.  BHRT can also prevent the onset of arthritis and other degenerative conditions.

    4. Improves Sexual Function in Men & Women

    Estrogen deficiency can result in vaginal pain and dryness, uncomfortable sex, and even urinary incontinence in women. Low testosterone in men can lead to sexual performance problems, including erectile dysfunction or “ED.” Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Pellets can restore youthful hormone levels to alleviate these problems and improve sexual function and enjoyment in both women and men.

    5. Protects Against Disease

    Hormone decline is associated with many life-threatening illnesses, including heart disease, diabetes, and more. Maintaining proper hormone levels with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement can help prevent diseases and maintain youthful vitality, health, and energy.

    Using the right lab

    At Hope Health & Wellness, we use a specific lab to measure hormones in your body accurately.  Regular blood serum may not be the best way to measure hormones in your body.  To accurately measure your adrenal glands and to ensure your cortisol levels are optimal, a saliva test MUST be performed four times per day at the precise times of the day. A saliva kit is provided to you if we need to obtain cortisol levels to see if you suffer from Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome. Also, a blood spot test may be more accurate than blood serum testing. To see what specific testing you need, make an appointment with one of our doctors for a consultation.

    We review your lab results and tailor a customized dosage plan for your body’s needs.

    Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) Strengthens the Body’s Systems.

    Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy replicates what the human ovaries and testicles did when you were younger – delivering the same steady, 24/7, low dosages of hormones that the body once created. This restores the body’s organs, systems, and functioning to their healthy, youthful state. As a result, sexual performance improves, energy and vitality are enhanced, bone loss decreases while muscle mass increases, and the body functions as it should.


    Testosterone is vital to the health and well-being of BOTH men and women. In men, T is produced by the testicles and adrenal glands. In women, T is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands. T functions to maintain muscle mass, strength, and endurance, decreased fat, increased exercise tolerance, enhanced well-being, and psychological health. T protects against cardiovascular disease and reduces blood sugar. It leads to increased muscle mass, increased bone density, decreased cholesterol, improved skin tone, improved healing capacity, and increased libido and sexual performance. T enhances the quality of life for both men and women by decreasing the effects of aging. Cells that use Estrogen use Testosterone to manufacture Estrogen inside the cell by a chemical conversion using a specific enzyme. T is essential in BOTH men AND women. Although women require substantially less T than men, adequate tissue levels are important for health in both sexes.


    Like Testosterone, Estrogen is a required hormone for BOTH men and women. Estrogens help protect against heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, and memory disorders. It also protects against vaginal atrophy and urinary incontinence and prevents symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes and poor temperature regulation. Estrogen deficiency is linked to urinary incontinence, loss of skin tone, fatigue, depression, mood swings, and decreased libido. However, most women only need testosterone pellets because their bodies, like men’s, make all the intracellular estrogen they need by converting it from testosterone. This avoids the serious problems that can occur with high estrogen levels in the blood. Estrogen supplementation is rarely necessary. If it is used, it MUST be bio-identical. The non-human estrogens found in pills bind nearly 20 times stronger to your cell’s receptors and have been proven harmful.
    Hormones control a lot of our body’s functions, meaning when hormones are off because of estrogen disruptors or even low testosterone, things like energy, motivation, general health, and vitality are missing as well.
    In women, estrogen replacement primarily targets the uterus, vaginal tissues, breast, muscle, bone, skin, and brain. Low estrogen levels can increase LDL levels (the harmful cholesterol) and decrease HDL (the good cholesterol). Progesterone replacement primarily balances estrogen, improves sleep, improves mood, increases metabolic rate, acts as a natural diuretic, and enhances the action of the thyroid hormones. It is very important that bioidentical hormones are used; synthetic estrogen and progesterone have been shown to be harmful. Bioidentical means that the hormones are identical to our natural hormones on a molecular level.

    Take the next step towards a pain-free life. Schedule a consultation with Hope Health & Wellness today and discover the healing benefits of Class IV Laser Therapy.