Driving in West Palm Beach Florida can sometimes become a challenge for the safe driver. According to the Florida Highway Safety & Motor Vehicle department, so-far in 2017 there have been 9,048 car accidents and 5,187 individual sustained injuries. Car accident injury victims are in need of specialized treatment. Treatment at our West Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens offices tackles common car accident injuries to such areas as the neck, arm, back, or leg. Car accidents can even cause other type of pain in the body such as migraine headaches or pins & needles in your hands or feet.
Whiplash injuries to the neck are one of the most-common complaints that we treat. This condition occurs after a sudden impact when your neck is “whipped” forcibly side to side and/or back and forth beyond its’ usual range of motion. It happens so fast you do not realize that this occurred. This affects the tissues and muscles in both your neck and back. To know if you have whiplash, some common symptoms include neck and back pain along with constant stiffness. Symptoms can show up quickly or may take a longer period, even years after the accident occurred, which is why it is important that you get treatment for whiplash IMMEDIATELY after any car accident even if you are not experiencing back or neck pain!
Other symptoms we commonly find after car accidents are migraines and headaches. Headaches can happen as a result of the strain on the neck muscles when involved in a car accident. Headaches can also be caused by trauma to your head such as banging it on a steering wheel or even an air bag deployment.
Herniated discs can be another result of car accidents. A herniated disc is when the little shock absorber between your spinal bones begins to bulge and puts pressure directly on the nerves in your spine. The sudden traumatic jerking motions experienced in a car wreck can be one of the reasons someone may have a herniated disc.
It is always a good idea after any car accident that you seek medical evaluation! In many cases, chiropractic care is one of the most effective treatment methods for car accident injuries. At Hope Health and Wellness, our caring staff of licensed health professionals will do their best to determine the extent of your injuries and develop a treatment plan to help heal and restore your good health and get you feeling great again…all under one roof!
Make sure to visit our website and learn more about car accidents. Our offices are conveniently located in West Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens and we are proud to be the only facility of its’ kind to offer online intake forms to help speed-up your visit from the moment you walk in the door! So, if you or a family member or a friend has been involved in a car accident, call our office at 561-686-0120 or visit us online 24/7 at www.myhopehealth.com!
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